Crooked Stirrups by David E. Jones, Inventor
“Crooked Stirrups” are
designed with the base or tread of the stirrup sloping downward and away
from the horse with the outside of the stirrup longer than the inside.
This causes the rider to have a much more stable “base of support”
when pressure is placed on the stirrups. The stirrup accommodates the
rider’s feet in their un-level, tipped outwardly position when the legs
are wrapped around the horse and saddle and results in a substantial
increase in the rider’s balance. The rider’s feet fit flat against the
base or tread of the stirrup giving the rider a very
noticeable, increased security in the saddle. The rider’s center of
gravity is lowered since the knees are no longer torqued severely,
inwardly toward the horse, allowing more balance control and fewer “lost”
stirrups. Numbness and pain in the feet, ankles, knees, back and legs are
eliminated when their origin was the unnecessary pressure on the outer
edges of the feet.
One of the most rewarding aspects of Crooked
Stirrups is the diverse, overwhelming acceptance of this product. When we
first introduced Crooked Stirrups, top Team Roping professionals began
using them immediately. All proclaiming that they simply had more control
and balance on their horses. Seasoned (that would be “older”)
professional horsemen understood the stirrups’ benefits and began
purchasing them. A group of “day-working” cowboys from Wyoming were
next. They were astonished that they could buy a pair of stirrups were not
only be comfortable, but would outlast the traditional stirrups they were
buying. Our first contact with the top of the show horse world was the
late Guy Stoops. Guy saw our daughter Jennifer showing in the stirrups,
took a look at them and said, “those stirrups look like something that I need
to know about”. He rode in them for less than ½ hour before he called
me over to the arena to tell me how much better he could, "get around
his horse." He marveled at
the increased control he felt. A top reining horse professional trainer
and showman tried the stirrups and told us he would never have imagined
what a difference crooked stirrups could make in balance and control. He
said, “Just looking at the crooked stirrups as different, I would never
have bought them. Now that I have tried them, I think that they are a
product that every one of my amateurs should purchase”. We began
receiving claims from riders with riding pains (knees, ankles and backs)
and how crooked stirrups had relieved their pain. Trail riders and Elk
hunters called us to tell us how much more comfortable our stirrups were
and how much more fun their riding activities were without stress and pain
and with more balance and control. Beginning riders called us to tell us
how crooked stirrups had increased their balance, control and made it much
easier to learn to ride and rope. Barrel Racers began calling us, telling
us how their horses could run faster when their balance was more stable
and how Crooked Stirrups helped solve problems with losing stirrups. And
on, and on!!!! To date, we have never had a single pair of Crooked
Stirrups returned nor have we ever heard from or about anyone who didn’t
enjoy the Crooked Stirrups benefits except for two instances where the
riders had put the Crooked Stirrups on their saddles backwards. Beware:
Crooked Stirrups are designed to be used with the long side out away from
your horse.
Not only do we manufacture and
sell crooked stirrups, but we use them. Our daughter, Jennifer
Albright from Fort Worth, TX recently won the NRHA (National Reining
Horse Association) Limited Non Pro Division at the 2004 All American
Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, OH. 1st out of 110 entries. She
drew an early show position, made a great presentation and withstood
the competition to win this very prestigious event. A great victory
and of course she was using Crooked Stirrups. We are all very proud.
Click on her picture to see a larger view. |